Episode 22: Stephanie Venizelos (Watertown Community Wellness Program Manager)

Meet Stephanie Venizelos! She’s the Community Wellness Program Manager for the City of Watertown (which includes managing the farmers market!). We chat about her early years teaching health in schools and her transition into broader thinking roles around helping people thrive and do well, what drew her to Watertown and how getting involved in the school community led her on a path to her current role, and we dig into all the things that Live Well Watertown focuses on from food security to mental health to movement to social well being and more.

Find out more about Stephanie and all the community wellness programming at: www.livewellwatertown.org

Thanks to podcast promotional partner the Watertown Business Coalition, a nonprofit organization focused on connecting local businesses and strengthening our community. Check them out at https://watertownbusinesscoalition.com/.


Episode 23: Tyler Cote (Watertown Community Engagement Specialist)


Episode 21: Christian Dallas (Dallas Insurance Agency / Watertown Rotary Club)