Episode 21: Christian Dallas (Dallas Insurance Agency / Watertown Rotary Club)

Meet Christian Dallas! He's an insurance agent at Dallas Insurance Agency here in Watertown and is the president-elect of the Watertown Rotary Club. We chat about his experience working his way into the Watertown community and how the kindness of the already established people led him to start wanting to give back even more, what it's like stepping into a longtime family business focused on going the extra mile (literally in some cases), and we get into his Dancing with the Watertown Stars victory and his stand-up comedy history (and possibly future?).

Learn more and get in contact with Christian:
Dallas Insurance Agency
Watertown Rotary Club
See him moonwalk! (about 35 minutes in)

Thanks to podcast promotional partner the Watertown Business Coalition, a nonprofit organization focused on connecting local businesses and strengthening our community. Check them out at https://watertownbusinesscoalition.com/.


Episode 22: Stephanie Venizelos (Watertown Community Wellness Program Manager)


Episode 20: Gideon Schreiber (Watertown Director of Planning and Zoning)