Episode 9: Archy LaSalle (Activist / Photographer)

Meet Archy LaSalle! He's the Vice Chair of the Watertown Public Arts and Culture Committee, a passionate activist, and working photographer. Archy has a lot of stories and we touch on some of them by chatting about his experiences in educational activism including being part of multiple efforts to open first-of-their-kind centers, schools, and programs, his personal roots in activism and art, and his immense valuation of kindness, courage, and helping others.

Archy's photography: https://www.archylasalle.com/
Where Are All the Black People At: https://www.wherearealltheblackpeopleat.com/
Archy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archylasalle/

Thanks to podcast promotional partner the Watertown Business Coalition, a nonprofit organization focused on connecting local businesses and strengthening our community. Check them out at https://watertownbusinesscoalition.com/.


Episode 10: Bob Airasian (Real Estate Broker / Watertown Business Coalition)


Episode 8: Charlie Breitrose (Watertown News)