Episode 13: Amelia Young (Hatch Makerspace)

Meet Amelia Young! She's the Coordinator at Hatch Makerspace here in Watertown. We chat about her early discoveries with materials, her path being involved with various collaborative spaces over the years at MassArt, Harvard, a middle school library, and the Institute for Contemporary Art, and of course we talk about Hatch itself including tools (from 3D printers to sewing machines), free classes (actually everything is free there!), and the Boston Potato Ghost Club.

Learn more about Hatch: https://watertownlib.org/hatch
See the upcoming events and classes at Hatch: https://watertownlib.org/hatchcal

Thanks to podcast promotional partner the Watertown Business Coalition, a nonprofit organization focused on connecting local businesses and strengthening our community. Check them out at https://watertownbusinesscoalition.com/.


Episode 14: Ariel Nathanson (Finances for Feminists)


Episode 12: Liz Padula (Artemis Yoga)